is a Sim who enjoys his freedom, who lives on love
alone, his guitar in the hand. He's a virtuoso.
His soul of poet makes him someone who is over-emotional.
Very friendly, Augustin is also a firm believer
in ecology. That's also why he trains to be handy,
to be able to repair all that gets broken!
Augustin has very few material needs, but he bought
very comfy pants at the EA
Store for 75 points.
@ Around my Sims |
est un Sim libre, qui aime vivre d'amour et d'eau
fraîche, sa guitare à la main. C'est
un virtuose. Son âme de poète en fait
quelqu'un d'hyper-sensible. Très amical,
Augustin est un aussi écolo convaincu, c'est
pourquoi il s'entraîne à devenir bon
bricoleur, afin de réparer tout ce qui peut
Augustin a peu de biens matériels, mais il
a investi 75 points à l'EA
Store pour s'acheter ce pantalon court
si confortable.
@ Around my Sims |